
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

That very autumn

Here, in Tampa, you can’t catch a glimpse of real autumn. Whether it’s the middle of July or Christmas, things don’t change much around here. You just have to put on a bit warmer jacket, that’s it. I actually saw autumn only once. It was in Philadelphia where my mom took me on a business trip when I was about the age of my daughter. There are memories that take seconds, but stay with you for the rest of your life. This is one of them.

The fairy tale begins

As kids, we see the world differently. Everything seems so full of meaning and a little magical. I remember me and mom walking through the park, all red, orange and yellow like never before. The trees were on fire. Their bright leaves were fluttering in the wind like the flame of a candle when someone opens the door. The wind grew stronger and I was afraid it might blow the trees out. But they kept glowing softly in twilight, without going off and burning down. It was like a small miracle, walking among those tree candles and wondering who could have lit them. This memory still haunts me whenever I flip the calendar to September. And although I’ve been to Philadelphia a couple of times since then, I never saw autumn as colorful and magical as that distant day.

Until recently…

Leonid Afremov is an artist whose pictures are all over the internet. You probably saw them dozens of times without realizing they are all painted by the same person. Bright colors, glowing lights, cheerful images… You can see it all on this website. By the way, you can also buy any canvas artwork online right from your smartphone! I really like this one, it’s called Rain’s Rustle. Guess why :) Right, because it reminds me of my autumn trip to the land of magic trees many years ago. Just look at it:
  • The colors are so bright that you can’t take off your eyes!
  • This canvas artwork is full of light! It comes from everywhere: the park lamps, their reflections on the wet alley, even the leaves themselves!
  • I also like the manner of painting – quick casual strokes are laid side by side until the entire canvas is filled with specks of all shades!
  • It’s cold and raining, but the park doesn’t look gloomy. Romance is in the air!
  • This isn’t a very good point to mention, but Leonid offers a way to buy canvas art online cheap and fast. I already bought two of his pictures and I only spent half of what I planned!

So if you are looking to decorate your home with a bright sample of canvas art, buy online in Mr. Afremov’s gallery! You won’t regret it!

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